- Michael Ellis School
Santa Rosa, California - Potential Unleashed Pool
Kuna, Idaho
We Invite You to Submit an Event Hosting Inquiry...
Submitting this application doesn't commit you to anything other than a conversation.
A major plus: Our agreements with facilities are not exclusive, we will not restrict you from running other events!
General Requirements
- Competition size dock and pool.
- Minimum Dock Size: 40' x 8' (Regulation Competition)
- Minimum Pool Length: 42'
- 20' Dock Games size dock and pool.
- Minimum Dock Size: 20' x 6'
- Minimum Pool Length: 35'
- Friendly atmosphere
- Safe exit ramp for dogs exiting the water / solid construction
- Operating Business License in place
- Appropriate insurance in place
- Internet access pool side for live scoring
- Appropriate catchment area coming off dock
- Ample parking for events