Table of Contents:
The season runs October 1 to September 30 each year.
Official bumper for the HighTide & LowTide disciplines. Sizes: 2½"x12" for the Regular class and 1"x12" for the Mini class.
Any toy/bumper can be used for the TidalWave discipline, with the following exceptions.
- Cannot be alive, or previously alive.
- Cannot be food/treats.
We take sportmanship very seriously, our ultimate goal is for our particiants, and spectators, to have fun. K9Wave is a community. Verbal encouragement and cheering from the handler or from the poolside spectators are always welcome.
Splashing at the toy/bumper, to help encourage hesitant dogs, is also welcome.
Sportsmanship is defined as, "Exceptional and fair sportsmanship while building a relationship with your dog(s). Be thoughtful, helpful, fair, and share encouragement to fellow participants and their dogs. Conduct (such as fairness, respect for one's opponent, and graciousness in winning or losing) becoming to one participating in a sport"
We have a zero-tolerance policy for bad-sportmanship. We have the right to refuse service to anyone. Unsportsman-like conduct can result in removal from the facility grounds and suspension or bans from future events.
1. These are DOGS
2. This is just a GAME
3. The staff are VOLUNTEERS
4. The judges are HUMAN
5. Your dog isn't competing in the Olympics!
Competition Team
The Handler is the person responsible for the dog at the K9Wave event.
- A team consists of a Handler and a Dog with an optional Holder or Guest-Thrower.
- Junior Handler = less than 16 years old.
- Junior Handlers under the age of 8 must to be accompanied by an adult on the dock.
Canine Welfare
Handler's are responsible for the safety and welfare of their dogs. Participating dogs must be supervised and under the care and control of their Handlers at all times. Dogs must be leashed or crated at all times, except when on the dock. Only the competing team (Handler/Holder/Dog) are allowed on the dock during the K9Wave event. All participants on the dock will sign a Risk of Release of Liability for K9Wave and the facility.
Dogs must be healthy, over the age of 6 months, and in good condition to participate. All dogs that can safely jump off the dock may participate. It is the Handler's responsibility to ensure that their dogs do not compete in more events than would be advisable given prevailing weather conditions, and specific consideration given to the fitness and general health of the participating dog. The Judge will have final authority on the issue if a dog is unfit to compete.
Abusive/Harsh treatment of any dog, or any conduct of a Handler/Holder/Owner which might be perceived as such, will not be tolerated and will be excused from the K9Wave event.
Only well fitted lifejackets, flat fabric/biothane buckle/clip collars or martingales (and/or harnesses) are allowed when the dog is jumping/swimming in the water. Training aids are allowed to get the dog to and from the dock safely. Slip Martingales, Slip Leashes, and Leashes can be used to get the dog out of the water back onto the dock. Each K9Wave Facility will decide if the use of Electronic training aids will be permitted at their location.
Leashes should be 6 feet, or less, for best control at the K9Wave event. For safety reasons, retractable leashes and long lines are not allowed at a K9Wave event.
Dogs are allowed to wear fitted float coats (lifejackets) and wet suits.
Bitches in season are not allowed to participate nor competition grounds.
If there is a dog believed to pose a danger to people or other dogs, they will not be permitted to compete and will be asked to leave the K9Wave event grounds. This will be at the disgression of the Event Director or Facility Owner.
All dogs at a K9Wave event must have proof of Rabies vaccine or current Rabies Titer (within the last 3 years) and may be required to show proof upon request.
Registration Information
- All teams need to be members of K9Wave to participate in a K9Wave event. This is a one time fee of $30.00 per team CAD/USD.
- Generally, K9Wave events will open for online registration 12 weeks prior to the first day of the K9Wave event.
- Entry Fees: Each discipline (TidalWave, HighTide, and LowTide) are $25 CAD/USD.
- Refund Policy:
- The entry fee is non-refundable, even if the dog refuses to jump into the water or the team fails to arrive for their scheduled jump slot.
- Refunds will be issued if Handler and/or dog has illness/injury, with a Doctor/Veterinarian note.
The Pool & Dock
K9Wave events will be held with industry standard competition docks and pools. The dock will be 40' long and the pool will be a minimum of 40'. The dock will be 2' above the water level.
The specialized "K9Wave 20' Dock Games" require a minimum of 20' dock with a minimum of 35' pool. The dock will be 1.5' to 2' above the water level.
Event Format
- Tides run hourly, with a maximum of 25 teams per Tide
- Typical running orders will be: Friday Z-A, Saturday A-Z, and Sunday Z-A by dogs callname. Subsequent or additional days will be offset.
- The Mistress (or Master) of Ceremonies will announce who is "next up the dock", "on deck" and "in the hole" before each team begins.
- Handlers must check in at least 30 minutes prior to competing in their first discipline.
- If the Handler can not be there prior to 30 minutes, Handlers must send an email to to notify of tardiness.
- If Handlers do not make it to facility by end of their scheduled discipline, there will NOT be make ups.
- Conflicts in running order must be addressed during check-in so they can be resolved quickly.
- Final running orders will be posted before the start of each wave on a white board for all to see/access.
- Scores will be announced after every jump, including the celebrations of Personal Bests achieved and Titles earned.
- Regular Class - Dogs that measure 16" and over at the withers.
- Mini Class - Dogs that measure under 16" at the withers.
- Preliminary measurements will be completed at first day of competition for dogs under 16".
- All Mini Dogs under 24 months will be measured at the beginning of each season.
- Official Measurements for Mini Dogs by two judges after the dog turns 2 years.
- All Mini Dogs will be measured prior to competing in Regionals by two judges. If the dog measures 16" or over at Regionals, they will compete with the Regular Class.
Standard Event Schedule (Suggested)
Friday (Alpha Order Z-A)
- 9am LowTide
- 10am TidalWave
- 11am TidalWave
- Noon TidalWave
- 1:30pm TidalWave
- 2:30pm TidalWave
- 3:30pm TidalWave
- 4:30pm HighTide
Saturday (Alpha Order A-Z)
- 9am LowTide
- 10am TidalWave
- 11am TidalWave
- Noon TidalWave
- 1:30pm TidalWave
- 2:30pm TidalWave
- 3:30pm TidalWave
- 4:30pm HighTide
Sunday (Alpha Order Z-A)
- 9am LowTide
- 10am TidalWave
- 11am TidalWave
- Noon TidalWave
- 1:30pm TidalWave
- 2:30pm TidalWave
- 3:30pm TidalWave
- 4:30pm HighTide
K9Wave Games/Disciplines
Also known as the "long distance jump". Measures the dog's distance jumping from the end of the dock to where the dog's base of the tail enters the water. Each jump will be judged by manual eye (not camera).
- Teams get 2 judged back-to-back attempts to earn their best score.
- Teams will have option of 1 practice jump and 2 scored jumps within a period of 3 minutes, once on the dock, for each Tide. Judge will score first 2 jumps
- Handler MUST tell the Judge PRIOR to jumping they want a practice jump. Then, the Judge MUST confirm the practice jump. Otherwise, the jump will be their first attempt and scored.
- Dogs must jump of their own free will. No blocking or pushing allowed.
- Handler may bring multiple Floatable bumpers/toys onto the dock.
- No Food allowed on the dock.
- If a bumper/toy has been thrown but the dog does not jump, the bumper/toy can be retrieved and re-thrown only once per jump. The judge can NOT assist in retrieval.
- If a dog jumps from the dock, but the bumper/toy has NOT been thrown, the dog can be recalled to the dock to try the attempt within their allotted time.
- If a dog jumps from the dock, and the bumper/toy does get thrown in after the dog jumps, that does constitute a scored jump.
- The best of the 2 scored jumps will be the final score.
Titles - TidalWave
K9Wave will be celebrating each teams successful jump off the dock in two ways. They will be awarded qualifying legs towards Divisional Titles.
Divisional Titles
TidalWave divisional title legs will be awarded for each successful jump classed by Division. Handlers will be earning ribbons at each facility.
Title Jumps Abbreviation TidalWave Starter 5 TWS TidalWave Advanced 25 TWA TidalWave Master 50 TWM TidalWave Professional 75 TWP TidalWave Expert *
* each additional 25 Jumps100 TWX
TWX2, TWX3, etc
TidalWave Division Tiers
These Division Tiers specific to a 40' dock length (refer to TidalWave20 for the 20' Dock Division Tiers)
Mini & Regular Class:
Divisions | Mini Class Distance | Regular Class Distance |
Chinook | 1" - 3'11" | 1" - 4'11" |
Whirlwind | 4' - 7'11" | 5' - 9'11" |
Storm | 8' - 11'11" | 10' - 14'11" |
Monsoon | 12' - 15'11" | 15' - 19'11" |
Cyclone | 16' - 19'11" | 20' - 24'11" |
Typhoon | 20' - 23'11" | 25' - 29'11" |
Hurricane | 24' - 27'11" | 30' - 34'11" |
Tsunami | 28' + | 35' + |
TidalWave20 Division Tiers
These Division Tiers specific to a 20' dock length (refer to TidalWave for the 40' Dock Division Tiers)
Mini & Regular Class:
Divisions | Mini Class Distance | Regular Class Distance |
Chinook | 1" - 2'11" | 1" - 3'11" |
Whirlwind | 3' - 5'11" | 4' - 7'11" |
Storm | 6' - 7'11" | 8' - 12'11" |
Monsoon | 8' - 10'11" | 13' - 17'11" |
Cyclone | 11' - 13'11" | 18' - 22'11" |
Typhoon | 14' - 17'11" | 23' - 27'11" |
Hurricane | 18' - 21'11" | 28' - 30'11" |
Tsunami | 22' + | 31' + |
HighTide (HT) is defined as a long distance jump with a suspended-bumper grab. Measures the dog's jump distance from the end of the dock to where the dog will Grab a suspended K9Wave Bumper from 2 clips above the water.
- Must use the official K9Wave Bumper
- An "Eligible Grab" is when the dog physically grabs or knocks the K9Wave Bumper from the rig into the water. The dog does not have to retrieve the bumper.
- Distance increases by 6" or 1' increments (Handlers choice).
- Distance can be increased or decreased to any distance.
- Regular Class will have a "K9Wave Bumper" suspended 2' above the dock (4' above the water).
- Minimum HighTide score is 5 feet.
- Mini Class will have a Mini K9Wave Bumper suspended 1' above the dock (3' above the water).
- Minimum HighTide score is 3 feet.
- Handler can elect for one practice jump, at the beginning of their turn, at any distance.
- Maximum of 5 attempts, regardless of misses.
For example, a team can miss their first 4 attempts and achieve a grab on their final attempt to earn a score. - Handlers have 45 seconds to send their dogs once the K9Wave Bumper is declared "Ready" by a judge.
- "Rest" can be requested only once during a dog's HighTide turn. It can be up to 30 seconds after a Grab or miss.
- If a dog refuses 1x, at any distance, the Handler can withdraw at that time without penalty.
- A toy may be thrown into the water after the dog attempts and misses the suspended K9Wave Bumper.
Listed in order of priority:
- Lowest number of misses
- Lowest start distance
- Average HT score/rank
- Last HT score
- HT Jump Off
Titles - HighTide
K9Wave will be celebrating each teams successful grab in two ways. They will be awarded qualifying legs towards both Divisional and Non-Divisional Titles.
Divisional Titles
HighTide divisional title legs will be earned for EACH eligible Grab, classed into the appropriate HighTide Division. Handlers will receive ribbons at each facility based on the below table:
Title Jumps Abbreviation HighTide Starters 4 HTS HighTide Advanced 10 HTA HighTide Masters 20 HTM HighTide Professional 30 HTP HighTide Expert*
*Each additional 10 Grabs40
50, 60, 70, ETCHTX
HTX2, HTX3, etc
HighTide Division Tiers
Mini & Regular Class:
Divisions | Mini Class Distance | Regular Class Distance |
Chinook | 3' - 5'6" | 5' - 8'6" |
Whirlwind | 6' - 8'6" | 9' - 12'6" |
Storm | 9' - 10'6" | 13' - 15'6" |
Monsoon | 11' - 12'6" | 16' - 18'6" |
Cyclone | 13' - 14'6" | 19' - 21'6" |
Typhoon | 15' - 16'6" | 22' - 24'6" |
Hurricane | 17' - 18'6" | 25' - 27'6" |
Tsunami | 19' + | 28' + |
HighTide20 Division Tiers
These Division Tiers are specific to a 20' dock length (refer to TidalWave for the 40' Dock Division Tiers)
Mini & Regular Class:
Divisions | Mini Class Distance | Regular Class Distance |
Chinook | 3' - 4'6" | 5' - 6'6" |
Whirlwind | 5' - 6'6" | 7' - 8'6" |
Storm | 7' - 8'6" | 9' - 10'6" |
Monsoon | 9' - 10'6" | 11' - 12'6" |
Cyclone | 11' - 12'6" | 13' - 14'6" |
Typhoon | 13' - 14'6" | 15' - 16'6" |
Hurricane | 15' - 16'6" | 17' - 18'6" |
Tsunami | 17' + | 19' + |
- Measures the sprint time, in seconds, from when the dog's back feet leave the dock to when the dog's teeth grab the suspended K9Wave Bumper.
The bumper is placed at the 39' mark, at 1” above water level. - Timer stops when the dogs teeth grab the bumper. NOTE: This is before the clips are released from the bumper strings.
- Dogs will start in front of the 15ft mark on the dock.
- Handlers have 30 seconds to send their dogs once the K9Wave Bumper is declared “Ready”
- The dog will get 2 attempts, and the best time of the 2 attempts will be the final score.
LowTideRAMP (new in 2024) is geared toward those dogs who don't want to or can't jump from the dock. Same rules apply except that the time starts when the back feet leave the ramp.
To qualify for the LowTideRAMP discipline... both judged attempts must be ramp. If jumped from dock on first try and ramp on second try... second try wont count but they get to play.
Titles - LowTide
K9Wave will be celebrating each teams successful LowTide sprint in two ways. They will be awarded qualifying legs towards Divisional Titles.
Divisional Titles
LowTide divisional title legs will be earned for EACH eligible Grab. Handlers will be presented with a ribbon during the event.
Title Jumps Abbreviation LowTide Starters 4 LTS LowTide Advanced 10 LTA LowTide Masters 20 LTM LowTide Professional 30 LTP LowTide Expert 40
50, 60, etcLTX
LTX2, LTX3, etc
LowTide Division Tiers
Mini & Regular Class
Divisions | Mini Class | Regular Class |
Chinook | 12.00 - 59.99 | 10.00 – 59.99 |
Whirlwind | 11.00 - 11.99 | 9.00 – 9.99 |
Storm | 10.00 - 10.99 | 8.00 - 8.99 |
Monsoon | 9.00 - 9.99 | 7.00 – 7.99 |
Cyclone | 8.00 - 8.99 | 6.00 - 6.99 |
Typhoon | 7.00 - 7.99 | 5.00 - 5.99 |
Hurricane | 6.00 - 6.99 | 4.00 - 4.99 |
Tsunami | 0.01 - 5.99 | 0.01 - 3.99 |
Note: Scores of 60 seconds or more do not qualify (DNQ) for division ranking.
Qualifying Jumps
Teams receive a qualifying jump ribbon for every earned K9Wave score which also counts as a leg towards a title.

Divisional Titles
Teams receive a rosette with each title accomplishment.

Personal Best (flag)
Every new personal best receives a PB flag attached to their qualifying ribbon or rosette.
Rankings restart from zero with each new season. View Current Rankings
- TidalWave - average of their Top-5 scores
- HighTide - average of their Top-3 scores
- LowTide - average of their Top-3 scores